This is the River's View post certain people (DWD and me) has hopefully told you about.
Time: The Time Of The Angels
Location: TARDIS

I was floating through space, the Byzantium air bubble and the TARDIS' should be big enough so I can survive. I see the TARDIS appear right in front of me. The Doctor opens the door and reaches out his hand. What an opportunity! I grab his hand with both of my hands and then...fall on him!
"Doctor?" I know that voice...its Amy's!
"River" The Doctor says.
I got off him and quickly go to the TARDIS' doors.
"Follow that ship" I say as the Byzantium whizzes off.
As soon as I said it the Doctor flies off and starts fiddling with the console so we can follow the Byzantium.
"It's going into warp drive" I tell him. "We're losing them! Stay close"
"I'm trying!" The Doctor says angrily.
"Use the stabilizers!" I command.
"I don't have stabilizers!" The Doctor says, obviously trying to act the genius.
"The blue switches?"
"Well the blue switches don't do anything there just blue!"
"Yes they're blue!" I say, starting to get a bit annoyed. "They're the blue stabilizers!"
I tap them and the TARDIS makes a banging sound then it stops.
"Yeah" The Doctor says, still acting the genius "Well they're just boring now isn't it? Just boring now blue boringness!"
"Doctor she can fly the TARDIS" I can hear Amy whisper.
"You call that flying the TARDIS?" The Doctor says, louder than Amy. "Ha!"
"Okay" I say. "I've mapped the probability vectors, done a full check on the temporized semiology, and found the ship's destination and...parked us right along side"
"Parked us? We haven't landed!"
"Of course we have! I've just landed her!"
I bring the screen over to The Doctor.
"Well it didn't make the noise"
"What noise?"
"You know the..." He made a sound that sounded like a cross between he just woke up from a long nightmare and a horse.
"It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on"
"Yeah...well its a brilliant noise. Come along Pond"
Pond...for a minute there I thought he meant me: Melody Pond.
"Lets have a look"
"No wait" I stop him. "Environment check!"
"Oh yes sorry! Right...environment check"
He goes over and opens the doors and pokes his head out. "Nice out"
"We're somewhere in the Naer belt, there's a atmosphere early indications suggest that-"
"We're on" The Doctor interrupts. "Amocpathatracix the seventh planet of the Dundre system oxygen rich atmosphere with sulphur here and there and" He looks out the door again. "Chances of rain later"
"He thinks he's so hot when he does that"
"Where did you learn to fly the TARDIS?" Mum said. No Amy Pond!
"I had lessons from the very best"
"Well yes"
"Shame you were busy that day!" I say. "Right then! Lets find out where did they land."
"They didn't land"
"You should of checked the home box! They crashed."
I went out but The Doctor stayed in.
By GoodGum.
Location: TARDIS
I was floating through space, the Byzantium air bubble and the TARDIS' should be big enough so I can survive. I see the TARDIS appear right in front of me. The Doctor opens the door and reaches out his hand. What an opportunity! I grab his hand with both of my hands and then...fall on him!
"Doctor?" I know that voice...its Amy's!
"River" The Doctor says.
I got off him and quickly go to the TARDIS' doors.
"Follow that ship" I say as the Byzantium whizzes off.
As soon as I said it the Doctor flies off and starts fiddling with the console so we can follow the Byzantium.
"It's going into warp drive" I tell him. "We're losing them! Stay close"
"I'm trying!" The Doctor says angrily.
"Use the stabilizers!" I command.
"I don't have stabilizers!" The Doctor says, obviously trying to act the genius.
"The blue switches?"
"Well the blue switches don't do anything there just blue!"
"Yes they're blue!" I say, starting to get a bit annoyed. "They're the blue stabilizers!"
I tap them and the TARDIS makes a banging sound then it stops.
"Yeah" The Doctor says, still acting the genius "Well they're just boring now isn't it? Just boring now blue boringness!"
"Doctor she can fly the TARDIS" I can hear Amy whisper.
"You call that flying the TARDIS?" The Doctor says, louder than Amy. "Ha!"
"Okay" I say. "I've mapped the probability vectors, done a full check on the temporized semiology, and found the ship's destination and...parked us right along side"
"Parked us? We haven't landed!"
"Of course we have! I've just landed her!"
I bring the screen over to The Doctor.
"Well it didn't make the noise"
"What noise?"
"You know the..." He made a sound that sounded like a cross between he just woke up from a long nightmare and a horse.
"It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on"
"Yeah...well its a brilliant noise. Come along Pond"
Pond...for a minute there I thought he meant me: Melody Pond.
"Lets have a look"
"No wait" I stop him. "Environment check!"
"Oh yes sorry! Right...environment check"
He goes over and opens the doors and pokes his head out. "Nice out"
"We're somewhere in the Naer belt, there's a atmosphere early indications suggest that-"
"We're on" The Doctor interrupts. "Amocpathatracix the seventh planet of the Dundre system oxygen rich atmosphere with sulphur here and there and" He looks out the door again. "Chances of rain later"
"He thinks he's so hot when he does that"
"Where did you learn to fly the TARDIS?" Mum said. No Amy Pond!
"I had lessons from the very best"
"Well yes"
"Shame you were busy that day!" I say. "Right then! Lets find out where did they land."
"They didn't land"
"You should of checked the home box! They crashed."
I went out but The Doctor stayed in.
By GoodGum.
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